Voices for Casey (V4C) is a community based, not for profit organisation, originally formed in late 2021. Membership is open to those who live, work and play in the electoral district of Casey (see ‘Join’ page to become a member).
As an incorporated association we follow the Model Rules set by Consumer Affairs Victoria. We have an Annual General Meeting open to all members and our Office Bearers are elected each year.
To enable maximum participation we have kept the organisational hierarchy of V4C as flat as possible. Our executive consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Most of our real work is done in working groups who are V4C volunteers. We share updates, consider challenges and opportunities and make decisions in our regular meetings. All our work and behaviours are guided by our values and our Code of Conduct. What unites us is a passion to change our communities for the better.
In 2024 the President and Vice President roles are held by:
Ani Wierenga linkedin.com/in/ani-wierenga and
Nicole Gale linkedin.com/in/nicolengale.
We can be contacted through our organisation’s email address: Voices for Casey <[email protected]>