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Listening Campaign Report 2024

2024 Listening Report. Check it out here.

 Listening Campaign 2024 🗣️

Since May 2024, Voices for Casey have been working on a campaign to listen to the community and use what we hear to hold our elected representatives to account.

1. Your voice matters.

Gather 1000 survey responses and get 100 attendees to Kitchen Table Conversations. We’ve got 1039 surveys!

2. It will be heard. 

Develop a Listening Report based on the survey responses and summary notes from Kitchen Table Conversations. Send the Listening Report to Casey’s elected representatives at every level, ensuring they hear and understand our collective priorities. 

3. Hold them to it.

Develop Report Cards for all of Casey’s elected representatives which will look at their previous voting behaviour vs. your priorities to see how they stack up.