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How many representatives does Casey have between these three tiers?



At federal elections, you will vote for one person in the House of Representatives to represent your geographic area, Casey. For someone to represent Casey in the House of Representatives, they must win 50% of the votes.

You will also vote for people to represent your state in the Senate. Victoria as a state will receive 12 Senators. At federal elections, you will typically be handed two ballot papers. One of these papers is for voting for a representative for Casey in the House of Representatives, and the second paper is for Senators in Victoria.


In a state election, you vote for one person to represent your area in the Lower House, known as a District. Three state districts overlap with the federal electorate of Casey: Eildon, Monbulk and Evelyn.  You are also voting for five people to represent your area in the Upper House, known as a Region.


The people's representatives who form the Council are called councillors. Casey has nine councillors.