Why vote for an independent? What is the value of voting for a community independent?
Independents are not a part of an established political party. Therefore, they prioritise the needs and interests of their community over a party agenda. Representatives who belong to a political party are bound by the ideology and agenda of their party. Without the obligation to represent a party, Independent candidates focus solely on the issues and aspirations of their community. They can also advocate more strongly for local matters.
Independents can also introduce bills that put forward a new law on an issue important to their electorate. They can vote in favour of or against any bills they agree with or disagree with, and they can debate and negotiate to include new provisions that they believe will benefit their community.
Looking at the report cards of Casey’s representatives (insert link to report card), it is evident that previous and current Casey representatives vote with their party. Rarely, if ever, have they crossed party lines.
The ‘2024 Listening Report’, produced by Voices for Casey, shows some of the main issues for residents of Casey. Yet, when current Casey MPs are voting on issues, they are not often keeping the community at the forefront of their decisions but their political party.