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Big Democracy Call Out - Coldstream

Voices for Casey is hosting a MEGA exciting event on Thursday 8th August called the Big Democracy Night Out (info here). We want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to come along and learn about the enormous potential of the community independents movement. 

Come along on Monday 5th August to help phone people on the Voices for Casey mailing list and invite them to the event. Sometimes people just need a bit of extra information and encouragement; that's what these phone calls are all about. Most if not all of the people we are calling will have seen the event and have supported Voices for Casey in the past, so they are friendly calls. 

Why come along?

  • Help make the event great. We've got a seriously star-studded line-up for this event, let's make sure we make the most of it and get a really big crowd along.
  • Learn new skills. There will be one-on-one training provided to all participants, with the opportunity to observe before jumping in yourself.
  • Meet like-minded people. There will be plenty of time to chat in between the calls, plus we will run an informal debrief at the end. Coming along is a great way to meet other people who are passionate about improving political representation and getting involved in our democracy. 

Practical Stuff

  • Please bring a fully charged mobile phone 
  • If you can't come at exactly 4pm, that's fine. You will get training regardless of what time you rock up.



August 05, 2024
4pm - 6pm
Meeting Room 1, Coldstream Community Centre
12 Kelso St
Coldstream , VIC 3770
Google map and directions
David Singleton ·
Rosemary Brennan Herrera Gage Rossiter David Singleton
Who's RSVPing
Rosemary Brennan Herrera
Gage Rossiter
David Singleton

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

  • David Singleton
    attended. 2024-08-05 18:42:55 +1000
  • Gage Rossiter
    attended. 2024-08-05 18:42:55 +1000
  • Rosemary Brennan Herrera
    rsvped 2024-08-02 12:15:21 +1000
  • Gage Rossiter
    rsvped 2024-08-02 12:14:27 +1000
  • David Singleton
    rsvped 2024-08-02 12:14:17 +1000