My Voice. My Community.
How can local people exercise our voice between elections?
How might the residents of this area generate a stronger focus and action on the issues about which we care most?
- These are some of the questions that inspired the formation of Voices for Casey group, and still keep us listening and engaging in 2025.
Who are Voices for Casey?
Voices for Casey is part of the grassroots movement that has seen Community Independents representing their constituents elected to federal Parliament. Voices for Casey was started before the 2022 federal election by like-minded individuals fed up with ‘shouting at the tv’. We are working together to create a parliament filled with representatives of the people who live in their electorates instead of corporate interest groups setting Australia’s agenda. Voices for Casey believes that active and engaged communities will improve our democracy and deliver better outcomes for all Australians.
See Who We Are for more detail on the committee.
Voices for Casey works according to our purpose and following our values and be being our best selves.
The purpose of Voices 4 Casey is:
- To develop active participation by the whole community in democratic processes.
- To ensure the highest standards of political representation.
Our goal is a new model of community-empowered representation. We believe it is possible to harness our collective voices into a positive force to ensure genuine representation of our values, to ensure a better future for our families, our environment, and our communities. We hope to increase community participation in our democracy and to make our Casey voices heard.
The values of Voices 4 Casey are:
Inclusion, Integrity, Respect, Equity, Transparency, Accountability and Courage.
We strive to
- be our best selves
- be kind and welcoming
- actively engage with and build community
- be constructive, generous and positive in our interactions
- act ethically and with integrity
- follow through on our commitments
How we work
- We engage actively with the community; we listen to ideas and concerns and we reflect on our community when we make decisions.
- We use evidence based, scientific and sociological advice and research to formulate policy and decide on courses of action.
- We seek to build open, transparent and accountable government.
- We seek to build a fairer society that respects human dignity and the well-being of all members of society.
We have no alliances, loyalties, sponsors or other influences which can bring us into conflict with our purpose.
Going forward we want to develop a shared understanding of what matters to people who live in Casey, and use this information to inform our representative. We also be looking for a candidate for the next election. We will be using tools of participatory democracy, including kitchen table conversations to run these processes.
We will have a lot of fun along the way. People who are members of ‘Voices’ groups report making new friends, and feeling empowered and developing confidence in creating the future they would like for themselves and their families.
Please join us. Help us build a more engaged community – get involved
Voices for Casey is a not-for-profit organisation funded primarily by small donations from our local community and supporters.
On top of this, Voices for Casey recently received a $15,000 grant via Climate 200's Community Accelerator Fund to be spent on events and activities that build our community of volunteers and raise the profile of Voices for Casey.
In addition to this, Voices for Casey recently received a $2,000 grant via huddle's small grants program to support our plans to door-knock in areas that were just added to the electorate in the recent Australian Electoral Commission redistribution.